General Settings

It is necessary to understand all the provided functions 👌

On this page

This page explains all the main funtions that are commonly used by the majority of mechants.

Disable Right Click

By turning the 'Toggle' On, visitors to your store website are not allowed to activate the 'Right Click' on their Mouse.

This means that they can not access the tools to Edit/Copy/Paste/Capture/etc.

Protect Text

By turning the 'Toggle' On, visitors to your store website are not allowed to use Keyboard Shortcuts like:

  • ctrl/cmd + C

  • ctrl/cmd + V

  • ctrl/cmd + shift + X

Protect Image

By turning the 'Toggle' On, visitors to your store website are not allowed to download, save as, drag&drop and copy/paste images.

Disable Print Page

By turning the 'Toggle' On, visitors to your store website are not allowed to Print the website using ctrl/cmd + P.

Examples of Print Page

Disable Console

By turning the 'Toggle' On, visitors to your store website are not allowed to Inspect or Access Developer Tools.

Examples of Dev Tools

Last updated